My Trouble with Bookfunnel

Hi! Dominique Gibson is back with another post, this time about bookfunnel. I have been paying a subscription to bookfunnel for a while now, trying my best to figure out what I am going to do with it. I have sent out a couple of short stories to some people the old-fashioned way (email withContinue reading “My Trouble with Bookfunnel”

My struggle with Ingramspark

Hi! Happy December! It’s been busy around here, especially with the holidays approaching. I had originally intended to do a different post today, one where I would talk about the latest book I am reading or the latest book I am writing about (Or should say rewriting about), but I decided that I wanted toContinue reading “My struggle with Ingramspark”

Being Sick and working a full-time job…it’s a juggling act

Hi! I’m back. I haven’t been able to post as often as I should. I had so many ups and downs when it comes to my full-time job (still doing lesson plans, observations, etc.) along with some sort of mysterious sickness going around that the doctors can’t quite put their finger on at the moment.Continue reading “Being Sick and working a full-time job…it’s a juggling act”

Fall is here and…I’m still working on Courtney’s Redemption

Hi! I know it’s been a long time since my last post. I have been super busy when it comes to moving things forward in my personal life and it’s been a real struggle to balance everything out. I will be posting periodically throughout the website and my social media posts about me looking forContinue reading “Fall is here and…I’m still working on Courtney’s Redemption”

Giving Away FREE paperback copies of An Orman’s Revenge

Hello! Hope you guys are all having a wonderful evening, day or morning wherever you are. I must say that today, I am super excited! Not only was I happy about celebrating my birthday on the 28th of August this year! (Go me) but I decided to pass on my excitement to anyone who isContinue reading “Giving Away FREE paperback copies of An Orman’s Revenge”